VectorSense LLC


Move forward with AI

When you combine the powerful forces of big data and AI, see what your people can make. Using automation to achieve new innovation, knowledge and speed.

DataCube™ - Big data & Data Processing Analytics

DataCube™ greatly eliminates the need for qualified data scientists, advanced algorithms, or large amounts of labelled data, thereby enabling existing companies to rapidly reap the benefits of AI. DataCube™ further facilitates the automation of activities and related collection of input resulting in a business process that is responsive, and eventually a data-native enterprise.

Rupert™ (Data Science) – Predictive Science and Machine Learning

The end-to-end processes ensure the company is always forward-looking and always ahead of the curve. We achieve so by keeping you on to your existing analytics skills, addressing complex issues and training you to be self-sufficient data experts.

How we create an impact on business:

  • Assessing the actual analytical capabilities of an organization.
  • Gaging abilities and ga-set skills.
  • Develop theoretical roadmaps and methods ideally suited to this.
  • Develop optimal techniques for the data and the framework.

Collaborate with Workplace

BotMagix™ blends next-generation technology and easy-to-use features for communications transformation.


Transform Culture

Transform interactions, culture and workflows within organizations of all types, sizes and sectors.

BotMagix ™ - Factory of Industry Bots

Build Custom Apps

Develop custom software and applications to automate operations, and customize what your BotMagix™ can do.

Collaborate with Workplace

BotMagix™ blends next-generation technology and easy-to-use features for communications transformation.

AI Services & Solutions

Our AI services & technologies help you develop capabilities for high-quality and high-precision AI. Companies can leverage these capabilities to create scalable & cost-effective software applications and to a large extent reduce labor and infrastructure costs.

Intelligent Marketing Solutions

At VectorSense, we help you gain predictive intelligence powered by AI with smart marketing solutions based on AI.

Increase Sales

Ultimately, Our AI solutions will help you increase the quality and predictability of your selling capabilities and more quickly transform leads into customers.

Discover solutions featuring AI, embedded analytics, industry best practices, and much more.

The need to digitize is becoming even more evident as you succeed and hold a bigger market share.

Kraft (TM) – AI Vision

Disclose useful insights by correct identification of objects in photographs and videos. AI can drive value in many ways, from tracking people in real-time at events to detecting whether items are in the right position in the shopping aisles.

AI - Text Analytics and Speech to Text

Using unstructured text data by machine learning and natural language processing to address market challenges.

Remove Duplicate Customer Records

Customer information, such as names and addresses, can be written differently when stored through different data sources and it is not feasible to compare sources directly. This problem is solved by deduplication.

Build Standard MDM Product Catalogues

Using text explanations to map in a typical catalog & hierarchy of your goods. Category mapping and classification allows use of machine-learning algorithms to classify data into a standard hierarchy, such as product knowledge.


Drive Insights from Customer Voice Data

Extract sentiments and main trends from user reviews, sales success feedback, tweets and polls to understand what consumers are thinking and feeling about your goods and services.

Got a question? No problem.

Helping You Rapidly Adapt To Demands Of The Industry.

ML Specialist : Retail

An ML engineer will take part in inventing and deploying innovative technologies, useful in almost every retail sector and industry. It is almost impossible to limit this job description to just one paragraph, because it involves working with many different departments and companies, with the usage of different codebases.